Humanitarian Ethics Training

Ethical considerations for working in humanitarian settings.


Humanitarian settings are unique contexts where conditions change rapidly, safety is paramount, and challenges are shifting constantly. For these specific reasons, innovation has traditionally been difficult to implement in these conditions, and why the Response Innovation Lab came into existence.

To develop innovation that responds to these needs, an entrepreneur must also be aware of the unique aspects of the content to fully be successful, and not put others, or themselves, at risk.

The following Ethical Standards and Principles of Humanitarian Innovation brings together a number of NGO, legal and global ethics considerations for humanitarian innovators.  This creates a quick overview of ethical considerations for those innovating in the field. It can be attached to contracts, put on the wall, used for discussion and thinking through ethical concerns for innovation projects. 



The Response Innovation Lab conducts training for innovators, their teams, or others either currently or seeking to work in humanitarian contexts, in the following areas:

Humanitarian Ethical Standards and Principles

Associated costs for the training’s vary depending on number of participants, location, and outputs.

Please contact us for further details. 

