StartUp Blink – Somalia debuts on the global ecosystem mapping platform

Throughout 2020, Somalia RIL has seen great utilization of the interactive directory and a detailed relationship map that provided insight into the Somali innovation ecosystem. The feedback on these tools has been positive. A trend in the feedback was that it primarily came from those in Somalia, and the Somali RIL was keen to understand how it looked at a global level.

Through some research, Somali RIL partnered with the StartUp Blink platform, which does ecosystem mapping of ~200 countries and 500+ cities worldwide. Taking the mapping information we collected through the USAID RISE project, the lab mapped the ecosystem using StartUp Blinks platforms to see how it ranked against other country-level ecosystems.

Impressively, Somalia made a debut as the 95th most innovative country for start-ups! Only the top 100 countries are ranked. Due to this data, Somalia was placed on a global platform with a positive entrepreneurial storyline, a welcomed positive storyline on the country.

>>> Click here to access the map.

>>> Click here to access the Startup Ecosystem Rankings 2020 Report.

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