Talented Orphan Healing Aid (TOHA)

Home to Home Covid-19 awareness Campaign

Realizing the impact of COVID-19 in Nakivale Refugee settlement and concerned by the effects of cuts to refugees' rations and financial assistance, TOHA resolved to address the pandemic by conducting home-to-home COVID-19 awareness campaigns. This sought to promote hygiene and sanitation to help community members construct hand-washing stations and sanitizing facilities. The project targeted 400 vulnerable people and those with special needs. The TOHA team also supported the 400 vulnerable people with charcoal, small fish, tomatoes, and salt during the lockdown. Currently, the TOHA team is running a COVID-19home kitchen green gardens project to fight hunger and malnutrition in the community. The project is targeting 150 homes of vulnerable people who can not afford to cultivate their gardens.


honorable mention

COVID-19 Prize in Refugee-led Innovation

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