
Agriculture Mobile Application 

Location: Mosel

Host: Oxfam Iraq

Funded by IRIL

The Problem

Due to challenges of freedom of movement and poor communication of information, farmers have limited access to advisory services on agriculture related issues.

The Solution

Develop and manage a mobile application to provide farmers with all advisory services and link them with the experts in this field. The project will develop a mobile application that is targeting the farmers in their villages. Through this app, agriculture advisory services will be available, suppliers data, and will link the farmers with the experts in this field. In addition, there is the possibility of job generation for agronomists in Iraq.

Where is Al Bustan Now

Al Bustan launched in October 2022, and the application is now live and can be found here


If you want to use the application or to support the business grow, reach out to Al bustan on their website or through their social media

Iraq--Iraq, Incubator